Autologin linux app

Bug report

I keep being auto-logged in after trying File->Log out

Error message is

app:warn Failed to unlink the account file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink ‘/home/myusername/.config/inkdrop/account’
at Object.fs.unlinkSync (fs.js:1091:18)
at e.unlinkAccountFile (/usr/lib/inkdrop/resources/app.asar/main.js:1:13047)
at e.logout (/usr/lib/inkdrop/resources/app.asar/main.js:1:12318)
at +0ms


  • Platform: Ubuntu
  • Platform version: 18.04
  • App Version: 3.22.3


Start inkdrop, Press log out, app opens with new data again.
I have tried to empty the whole configuration library, but it starts with a fresh version with same symptoms.


If i would know the syntax of the file .config/inkdrop/account i could populate it myself

Hi Victor,

Thank you for reporting it.
That’s weird. Maybe it’s a keyring problem.
Could you check your keyring if your credentials have been removed?
Here is how to check it:

He was using the demo app. Resolved.